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Our site BLS-House.com is a platform featuring the largest possible range of Italian furniture from hundreds of manufacturers. 

The Seller has the right to make any changes to the text of this offer, to terminate the offer, to place a new offer without preliminary notification to the Customer at any time.

The Seller tries to ensure the relevance and accuracy of the data published on its web pages in every possible way. Despite this, due to possible rapid changes in delivery terms and prices, there is a possibility that the Seller will not change the data on web pages in time. In this case, the Seller will notify the Customer of the changes and give him a chance to cancel the order or replace the goods ordered.

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Website (BLS-House.com) strives to provide all data and information of the Internet offering correctly and completely. The website is constantly updated and supplemented. However, website (BLS-House.com) shall not be liable for the accuracy, completeness, topicality of the available information. Website (BLS-House.com) excludes any liability for damages, which are directly or indirectly results of the usage of the website. 

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