About e-shop
Contact information:
Opening hours: Monday – Friday, from 9:00 to 18:00 сentral european time (GMT +1)
+386-40-303-963 (WatsApp/Viber/Telegram)
On our website 300+ factories and only 100% original furniture.
Thousands of pieces of Italian furniture are priced right on the website
We sell furniture all over the world. Among our customers are residents of the USA, New Zealand, Australia, United Kingdom, European Union countries (Germany, France, Spain, etc.), Switzerland, Japan, UAE, and many others.
Yakubovskiy s.p.
Oljcna pot 59C, 6000 KoperSlovenia
VAT ID SI 40646173
Mat.št.: 8428450000,
Št. TRR: SI56 0203 7694 5636 404 SWIFT: LJBASI2X,
vpisano pri Okrožnem sodišču v Kopru: 3.5.2019
Št. TRR: SI56 0203 7694 5636 404 SWIFT: LJBASI2X,
vpisano pri Okrožnem sodišču v Kopru: 3.5.2019